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Celebrate You session at Hort Park, Singapore

Writer's picture: Nic ImaiNic Imai

Gilda's CELEBRATE YOU session is a bit different in that we weren't celebrating her birthday but her 15 year anniversary of stepping out into the unknown, far from her hometown of Sardinia. 15 years ago she made the exhilarating and brave decision to move countries, specifically to England where her adventure with life and all its infinite possibilities began. It brought her hardships as well as friendships, a new language and culture and the love of her life. I've had the great pleasure of capturing their love story which you can read more about here, but today we are focusing on Gilda and her love, light, beauty and connection with the world.

I've only known Gilda for a few short years so I haven't been able to witness her transformation and growth that comes with leaving your hometown, moving to a new country and consequently traveling the world. What I do know is that exposing yourself to different cultures and customs most definitely widens your horizon and expands your own thoughts and views creating a citizen of the world if you will. Recognising how far you have come and wanting to celebrate both the personal challenges and the victories of your path traveled is a deeply beautiful thing to do for yourself. It's a moment to pause and reflect and then inviting me to eternalise your strength and grit to be where you are despite it all is truly a gift to who you were and who you have become. And really, how often do we do this? Not often enough. In order to love others, we need to love ourselves. In order to celebrate others, we need to celebrate ourselves. This is something that you do for you and no one else. And the magic I see when you are reminded of your light and beauty is second to none ✨This is why I've created my CELEBRATE YOU package.

Gilda was just radiant and glowing throughout her shoot and I don't know what it is about bubbles, but they sure do bring out the kid in us! I loved being able to capture Gilda's beautiful authentic smiles and laughter which this shoot was FULL of and once again, so much love, light, beauty and connection ♥️I knew Hort Park would be the perfect location for this shoot with so many gorgeous areas to choose from adding lots of variety to the images. My hope and wish is for Gilda to look back on the stunning photos of herself and always be reminded of her light, her strength and her beauty. Her 15 years abroad are certainly a testament to that and her adventure is still going strong. I can't wait to see where the next 15 years take her and who knows, maybe there will be another CELEBRATE YOU shoot then 😉

Thank you Gilda for the opportunity to capture this very special anniversary of your life and also for the gift of celebrating yourself and your achievements which allows and inspires others to do the same ✨We are dreamers, dreaming and weaving beautiful realities into existence. We just need to know we can and sometimes we help by showing others the way ♥️

Ready to give yourself the gift of a moment in the spotlight and feel like the powerful goddess that you are? Then let's book your CELEBRATE YOU session ✨More info can be found here.

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